You’re not alone.
Many of the people we talk to are scarred from unending ERP implementations, and in our space, it’s common to feel skeptical about whether new software can truly capture all the nuances of your planning processes.
In a call yesterday, someone described their planning process as a "large band-aid they are terrified to remove" and the thought of implementing new software while working so hard to keep their business running felt impossible.
We get it - and it doesn’t have to be that way.
At Atomic, our starting point is your spreadsheet. Send it to us, and we’ll see how you’re planning today. With that we can scope out the complexity of your needs and ROI for your transition.
What does the implementation require from you? Very little. We do the heavy lifting, and with just 2 hours a week, you'll be planning off our platform in a month.
If you’re considering moving your planning from spreadsheets to software, it has to be a light lift—easy and fast. We’re committed to that.
And don't be ashamed of that large band-aid - you've been heroic making it work all this time. Now let's look at it and get you something more stable to work with.