Latest in: Uncategorized

Your forecast doesn’t matter (as much as you think)

“That’s the best we can do for forecast accuracy - and this is really overfitting it”“Ok then. I guess we’re all getting fired”It was late 2017, in less than a year we would be …
March 26, 2024

Food rots while apparel goes out of style  

Food rots while apparel goes out of style  - a simple difference that drives totally different inventory planning needs. For planners who cut their teeth in apparel before joining food & beverage companies, the …
March 22, 2024

I’m Sick of this Sheet! When is it time to invest in planning software?

For most companies, inventory management starts simple - a few spreadsheets to track stock levels and do basic forecasting.  But as your business grows more complex, maintaining those worksheets becomes a full-time job (in …
March 19, 2024
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Mastering Inventory Turns

All physical goods companies have the same operating model: they procure goods, find customers, and sell finished goods to those customers. True, no company is the same. There are so many differences - in …
August 11, 2023
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Why is the Inventory Problem so Sticky?

Revenue and inventory have a love-hate relationship. ‘You can’t sell what you don’t have’ is the reality of physical product companies.  So naturally Boards, Executives and sales teams push to maximize stocking levels. This …
June 21, 2023
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The Solution is Atomic

Atomic operates from the unit level of demand and supply in a powerful, simulation-based model of the business. The Atomic system incorporates three core modules - Demand, Supply, and Finance. Each module operates at …
June 21, 2023